Allan Gray is the founder and current head coach of Launch Class. Al is an almost-native Calgarian, Investment Advisor, former Engineer, competitive water skier, and has been attending CSC since ’95. He’s always loved people and been an active volunteer. The vision for Launch Class came from his years as a participant and then a leader in an outstanding men’s group called Rules of Engagement, plus a lifelong desire to help younger people learn some of the secrets of living well that aren’t typically taught in school or at home so that they could avoid the common pitfalls and thereby experience more abundant, impactful lives. Ultimately, the goal is to improve the quality of life for all Albertans.
Small Group Coaches & Mentors: Frank Yee, Jason Courtney, Christy Edwards, Hugh Pineault, Wunmi Adekanmbi, Roger & Gladys Moore,
Marketing & Social Media: Christy Edwards
Technical/Video Support: Jason Courtney, Hugh Pineault, Roger Moore
Website Development & Maintenence: Roger Moore
Other Teaching Coaches: ____