Some reference material for the class. Get to as much or as little of it as you have time for. Helpful but not critical for getting something out of the class:
Understanding The Wife’s Code – Jeff Allen:
Everybody Loves Raymond Uses Active Listening – from Parent Effectiveness Training:
Awesome Websites for Parenting (& marriage) Tips:
For Moms (& wives): For Dads (& husbands):
September 13 at 6:30-8pm at Coco Brooks, Calgary, 32ave & 19st NE (NE corner). Coco Brooks closes to the public at 6pm, so if desired we can eat there before class (order before 5:30pm), and we can even order pizza through their website to be ready at 6pm or sooner to save time Your coaches look forward to meeting and encouraging you on your journey! Sign up to this blog on the main page to be kept informed of any updates.